Linode Centos Iptables and APF

This is so annoying but anyone know what's the deal with linodes implementation of Centos? The kernels all don't have all the iptables modules working like ip_recent to rab not working out the box. I even have to set MONOKERN to 1 just to get it working which I don't recall any xen host I've been having this problem.

Anyone using apf with an o/s in linode that works for all enabled options? Thanks.

3 Replies … o#centos_5">

A few days ago I wrote this script and procedure to switch a standard CentOS 5 Linode to use the standard CentOS kernel as installed and updated through yum. You may want to modify the script though to disable the selinux installation/enabling portions, but this will apparently solve your problem.

You are THE MAN!

You gave a easy resolution to a problem which shouldn't exist in the first place.

Seriously being told to build a custom kernel for reasonable functionality of iptables is a bit ridiculous.

$ zgrep RECENT /proc/config.gz



What's ridiculous is CentOS freaking out about kernels that compile everything in instead of using modules. But I guess I can't blame them; they aren't obligated to support anything but their own kernels.


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