Does Linode Forums plan to support Tapatalk?

Between 3 devices (Android phone, work laptop, and home PC) and 5 browsers (chrome and IE on both the PC and laptop, and whatever my phone is using), only 2 of the browsers work (IE and Chrome on my home PC). The other browsers just say "Invalid Session". I've tried deleting cookies, removing temps files, all the usual stuff. I was wondering if Tapatalk support was added I could just use that from my phone. Does the no/spam login box I sometimes get have something to do with this Ivalid Session error I am getting?

8 Replies

No, the forum is just broken. We all just hit the Submit button repeatedly until it posts.

I'm guessing it stores session information locally and not in the db, so there's (at best) a 1 in 3 shot of a post hitting the server that expects you to submit a reply. The other two have no idea.

This is odd to me, considering that, while I've read that people have difficulties, I've never had a problem using the forum.

Running Firefox on Snow Leopard.

The Invalid Session problem happens from time to time. I'm not sure Linode knows why (otherwise I assume they'd have fixed it long ago), just gotta keep hammering the forum until it accepts your post.

My session seems to reset itself every couple minute. It makes the "new posts" stuff useless, since it gets cleared out before I could possibly read though all the new stuff.

Hold tight. I'm moving it to which should fix everything.


You should still upgrade to 3.x and install tapatalk ;)


Hold tight. I'm moving it to which should fix everything.


was this announced anywhere else? I spent a couple days thinking the forums were down… you should redirect to

It seems that is a dead, gives me a broken forum list with broken links, but redirects to the new subdomain.


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