Need advice for non-profit in China Drupal use / big enough


I am using Drupal 6.x and currently on a howst at esosoft. I am getting kicked out of esosoft because drupal is killing their server, using too many resources. I am a poor teacherwho is trying to create a distant learning project by myself. I have 1000 registered users, which will double and grow much larger this year. I have between 60-180 users login at the same time, and at around 75 users drupal dies all the time on my shared server. I let my students do their final exam on drupals quiz module, and the site is not open yet, but I anticipate haveing between 300-600 simultaneous users in the future and more.

I have never tried linux, but the tutorials look helpful, and I am interested in the pantheon/mercury thing, which from what I understand doesnt work with ngix. I know linode has an 80 us dollar a month package (A lot of money in China) and I think that is all that I can afford…is that going to work for my site you think?

I dream about the rackspace cloud hosting after watching the san diego drupal con and it looks like they are really one on one with pantheon… but I cant affor 150 us dollars a month….

So which linode should I use? Or is there a rackspace option which is better?


Robert (down and expelled)

1 Reply

The Linode you need all depends on how well you configure your applications. It's hard to say what will work without knowing much about your setup. With that said, you can always try the $20 package and see how that works for you. If you decide that's not working, upgrading is as easy as shutting the Linode down and clicking a few buttons. There's a small amount of down time involved in doing so.

We also offer a few guides on Pantheon/Mercury here: … t-mercury/">

If you don't feel like setting it up yourself, you can also deploy with this "StackScript": … riptID=353">


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