Cannot boot stock Fedora 13 kernel under PV_GRUB

I've read the Wiki and Library docs about PV_GRUB and followed the steps to get a stock Fedora 13 kernel (kernel-PAE) to boot (my ultimate aim is to build a custom kernel with grsec support, but before going that far I wanted to just get a stock kernel up and running). No luck. I'm able to get a Grub menu with no problem, but when it goes to boot the following is output to the console:

Booting 'Fedora 13, kernel'

root (hd0)

Filesystem type is ext2fs, using whole disk

kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/xvda ro quiet audit=1

initrd /boot/initramfs-

close blk: backend at /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/432/51712

close blk: backend at /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/432/51728

close blk: backend at /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/432/51744

close blk: backend at /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/432/51760

close blk: backend at /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/432/51776

close blk: backend at /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/432/51792

PCI: Fatal: No config space access function found

isapnp: Write Data Register 0xa79 already used

drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device (rtc0)

My first guess was the necessary Xen device kernel modules were not being loaded. I verified the kernel-PAE config included all the necessary Xen-isms, but I noticed that several of them (most notably the xennet and xenblk drivers) were loaded as modules and not compiled in. I created a file under /etc/modprobe.d called 'pvgrub.conf' and added the lines:

alias eth0 xennet

alias scsi_hostadapter xenblk

I then uninstalled and reinstalled the kernel-PAE package in order to rebuild the initrd. No change.

Any ideas?



1 Reply

Solved my own problem. Removing the 'quiet' kernel boot option provided the vital clue:

dracut: Mounted root filesystem /dev/xvda

dracut Warning: Machine in enforcing mode and cannot execute load_policy.

dracut Warning: To disable selinux, add selinux=0 to the kernel command line.

dracut Warning: Not continuing

While I'm not using SELinux, apparently it is enabled by default. Disabling it via kernel option resulted in a perfect boot.


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