No more PTYs

Hi all,

I love Linode so far but I am having issues with screen. When I start screen it gives me:

"No more ptys"

I have never seen this before and I have googled for hours and hours about it, rebuilt my server with a new distro (from centos to debian) and still no cigar. Some say to change /dev/pty permissions and that has not worked. I wonder if this is a kernel issue? I am using the latest linode stable kernel.

Any good advice?

6 Replies

Sorry to double post but looks like Ubuntu 10.10 on latest kernel works with screen. But this is still a wierd issue.

I'm having this issue too, with a new CentOS 5.5 build. If I'm logged in as root, screen works fine. If I'm an ordinary user, I get the 'No more PTYs' error and it kicks me out.

Okay, I found this: … tys-error/">

Running the mount command there (and adding the line to /etc/fstab) solved the issue. But it looks like this isn't the optimal way of fixing the problem (using udev would be).

Greetings everyone. My first post :-D

Anyway, I had this problem a couple weeks ago when setting up my first linode using Debian as my distribution. After I installed screen, I attempted to run it as a normal user but got the "no more PTYs" error. The root user was able to run screen without issue.

I spent a while searching on Google looking for an answer. Since it was a few weeks ago, I do not remember the exact steps I went through. But I do know that after I did:

apt-get install udev

And restarted my linode, everything was fine. I'm sure there's a way to get it to work without a restart, but since I was under hardly any load at the time that was the quickest/easiest method for me.

I hope that points you in the right direction.

– devsforev

Thanks for the tip, if I come across this again, Ill know what to do. :D

Thanks devsforev, we just had this same issue, applied your fix and it works fine.

The only thing different is I didn't need reboot, I just logged in again as the normal user and all was working.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Nick :)


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