Help wth a simple 'hello world' in apache (linode tut)

I'm using this tutorial … al_hosting">

I'm trying to do I simply 'hello world' to see if apache is configured correctly. I've been the Linode tutorial on configuring and setting up vhost, everything seems to be working. I've got my vhost files and i've done, then restarted and reloaded apache (with no errors) and now i have a s static page that says "Index of /" The question now is: Where do I place my html file that prints out hello world for me to test this out? I thought I could just create an index.html file in /srv/www/ with the html and it would print it out but that's not the case. I am still just getting the "Index of /" page. Any help on this simple problem would be appreciated.



1 Reply

I needed to place the my .html file not in the root folder but in publichtml instead. After that, I get my hello world…now on to testing modwsgi :)


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