I need help with apache/django/mod_wsgi

I'm a beginner and I need help configuring Apache so that I can see my application. Not sure if it's Apache, Django, mod_wsgi or….I've issued apache2ctl -t and got "Syntax OK". I also issued apache2ctl -S and didn't get any errors. But now all I have at my IP address is page not found (it showed something in the beginning so I've done something different)

One one question, do I go to my ip address to see if the site is configure correctly? I haven't pointed our domain name to linode servers yet so I can't put in the actual domain name yet. Is this issue? I thought I could still test my site without doing that, correct me if I'm wrong.

I've been through the docs over at http://library.linode.com/web-servers/a … ganization">http://library.linode.com/web-servers/apache/configuration/configuration-basics#configurationfileorganization and http://library.linode.com/frameworks/dj … s_for_wsgi">http://library.linode.com/frameworks/django-apache-mod-wsgi/ubuntu-10.04-lucid#configuredjangoapplicationsforwsgi already.

Any help in getting some of these things fixed would be greatly appreciated.



4 Replies

You can use a hosts file to make your local system use the domain name, rather than the ip address. This is useful for testing name-based virtualhosts. If the virtualhost you've configured for the wsgi app isn't listening on the IP address, then you'll have to do that to test it.


"If the virtualhost you've configured for the wsgi app isn't listening on the IP address, then you'll have to do that to test it" I think that's the first problem I need to fix. Earlier I was getting a web page for my ip address, not all I get is "Unable to connect" which tells me that something configured wrong. Maybe I need to test if Apache is configured correctly first, then wsgi, then my application…going to be a long weekend. :)



FYI there is a StackScript for the Django stack you are describing. Should get you up and working quickly if you haven't figured out your problem.

http://www.linode.com/stackscripts/view … riptID=131">http://www.linode.com/stackscripts/view/?StackScriptID=131

@iml Wow, didn't even see that. :shock: Thank you for showing me this. I really do appreciate it. I'll try this out and see if this helps.

Thanks again,



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