Noob questions about SPF and Reverse DNS


I've searched the forum and find lots of info about this. Even though I like to describe my situation and hope to get some help.

We configured postfix to send mails from our domain (lets call it

We have tested to send mail from our Linode postfix installation to e.g. GMail without problem but we like to be "sure" that wo don't get marked as SPAM. Currently this is shown in the mail header: Received-SPF: neutral…

Our domain is handled by another hosting company based in Sweden. We have pointed the domain in theirs DNS to our Linode IP (it works - we can see our website).

To our questions:

* How and where do I add the SPF record (at Linode or at our hosting company DNS in Sweden)?
* How should it look like?
* Do we need to setup reverse DNS?
* if yes, how do we setup reverse DNS?


Best regards, Andreas

4 Replies

1) If you want to add SPF the record should be added in DNS for the same name(s) that are the host side of the email addresses (eg for "" in That name will dictate which zone it should be added in and you probably know best where that zone is hosted.

2) For the SPF record you may want to read up the specs on SPF or use some wizard:

3) Linode sets up reverse DNS by default, so you already have it

4) If you want to customize it you can do that in the settings for your linode in the Linode Manager.

Great, big thanks!

Could you please elaborate a bit on nr 1?

I should add the SPF record to my DNS server in Sweden that is, not at Linode?


Best regards, Andreas


Great, big thanks!

Could you please elaborate a bit on nr 1?

I should add the SPF record to my DNS server in Sweden that is, not at Linode?


Best regards, Andreas



Could you please elaborate a bit on nr 1?

I should add the SPF record to my DNS server in Sweden that is, not at Linode?

If the (as in the example above) zone is hosted on your DNS server in Sweden, that is where you would add the record.


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