System Clock Sliding

My server is losing about a minute every week. Rebooting corrects it, but I don't want to have to reboot the server every week. It's almost like the server has delinked from the host clock, but I don't see how that could be.

[root@atom1 ~]# uname -a
Linux #1 SMP Tue Nov 10 16:12:12 UTC 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
[root@atom1 ~]# cat /proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock
[root@atom1 ~]# grep xen /etc/sysctl.conf
[root@atom1 ~]#

9 Replies

Paravirtualized kernels tend to do that. Install ntp.

He isn't running a paravirt kernel – /proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock only exists on non-paravirt kernels.

The solution is the same :P

apt-get install ntp-simple

I think the point of the original post was that a non-paravirt kernel with /proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock = 0 should be locked to the host clock. Since the op's Linode clock is clearly not locked to the host clock, something is wrong.

One of my Linodes runs and keeps perfect time without needing to run ntp.

It's possible the host's ntpd is simply malfunctioning. Try an "ntpq -p $". Some of them allow such queries; some do not.

File a ticket, too.


It's possible the host's ntpd is simply malfunctioning. Try an "ntpq -p $". Some of them allow such queries; some do not.
If that were true, I wouldn't expect things to be corrected on a reboot, since it would still be getting the incorrect host clock. (Unless there's something in reboot processing that is doing a one-time sync like an ntpdate call from a network location).

Definitely sounds odd though, so once it gets resolved I'd be curious as to what it turns out to have been.

– David

Erk, you're right, db3l! I'm operating on way less sleep than usual right now. :P

I opened a ticket and it seems ok now. They didn't say what the fix was, but that's ok with me. Time will tell if the fix takes.


Time will tell if the fix takes.



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