Load Balancing in Linode

I want to setup a loadbalancer with 2 linodes. The loadbalancer should reside on one machine and split load between itself and other linode (with a greater percentage of request hitting other linode). There is no issue of cookie and session, since every request is independent. Also I have given my client an IP address (something like ) not a domain name so I want the request coming to that IP to be load balanced. How do I configure apache mod proxy balancer(if its possible that way)? I communicate between two linodes via private IP. My OS is ubuntu 10.04.

2 Replies

Have you taken a look at the linode library?


On a similar note …. can anybody confirm if they have configured 'Linux Virtual Server' on Linode ? This is my preferred method of HA / Load Balancing - http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/

There is an example of implementing this on rackspace cloud here ..

http://www.rackspacecloud.com/blog/2010 … g-lvs-tun/">http://www.rackspacecloud.com/blog/2010/09/22/installing-and-configuring-lvs-tun/

Thanks !


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