redundant game server


I was wondering, as I was reading in the highly available category on the linode library, how this would work:

It's a game server, so isn't a one-time-access kind of deal like a website, where you access it one time.

It, however, is a constant connect kind of game server – however, it isn't like something like wow, where you have to send and receive data constantly, but something where you only send and receive data sometimes, when a few things happen, such as someone doing an action, but those things are not done every second of every day, and so on.

However, I had one question. If I have a floating ip, and it gets assigned to my secondary linode while people are connected to my primary linode, assuming the database of players has been updated with the connected players so far, will, if the floating ip is transfered to the secondary linode, the players remain connected and have no interruption in service?

I guess what I mean to say in that oh-so-conveluted sentence is that if the ip is transfered to the secondary linode, and the game is running on that linode with the exact same data as on the primary, will the players, if they try to send a command, be disconnected? or will it go through because it only sees the floating ip, not the secondary linode's ip.



2 Replies

Does this game use TCP or UDP? If it uses TCP, the clients will get disconnected. If it uses UDP, then depending on your game server software, it might not.


Yes, it uses tcp.

Thanks for the reply.



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