
Has anyone has success enabling IPv6? I'm wondering if I can simply add AAAA records to my DNS server using the inet6 address of eth0, verify that it works, then request a PTR RR for it? I couldn't find anything in the online docs, so it's not clear if v6 routing is actually supported…

4 Replies

Ugh, I just noticed eth0 is configured to fe80. So I guess no v6 then. :(

Linode does not presently support IPv6, and has said that they probably won't do so until all of their transit providers support it.

Nonetheless, Hurricane Electric offers very low-latency, high-throughput and more or less easy to set up tunnels. Not as good/cool as native, of course, but usually sufficient, at least for ordinary purposes.


There is a good overview on how to configure said tunnel on the Linode wiki:


The discussion tab on that page also discusses issues of deploying native (though the above posts in this thread summarize pretty well).


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