[solved] Help! Apache broken after updates

I installed 12 package updates tonight, through webmin, which has broken apache/php (now instead of displaying php files, it asks you to save them - not really a good look for production websites.

I have tried reloading apache2, removing and reinstalling with no success.

I haven't managed to find anywhere about rolling back package updates

Any ideas?

3 Replies

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5-cli php5-common php5-cgi

stupid update!

You should really do your package management with apt-get or aptitude, not webmin… If you want to update your linode, it's as simple as "aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade" or "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade"

Webmin uses apt-get to do its updates. Unfortunately, it makes liberal use of less-than-desirable options (-f, -m, -y, I'm looking at you) and gives little chance for intervention – answering yes to prompts where a human would stop and rethink what they were attempting to do.

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