Minecraft server help

Ok so I got my minecraft server up and running and It was running perfectly for about a few hours but then the entire server shut off and I have to go into the Linode manager and reboot it. After it rebooted most of the world was either rolled back or changed to a early form. After about and hour the same thing occured over and over which became annoying. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

When I set up the server I followed this guide

http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic … s#p1375310">http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1013&t=75330&p=1375310&hilit=linode+vps#p1375310

Also the server I have is Linode 512

The server also only have 5 people max playing.

5 Replies

Minecraft servers require a lot of RAM, and it is said that 1GB is basically the minimum. So with 5 players on 512MB RAM, you're probably running out of memory.


Minecraft servers require a lot of RAM, and it is said that 1GB is basically the minimum. So with 5 players on 512MB RAM, you're probably running out of memory.


I had a MC server running on my 512 for a while along with other stuff (nginx, mysql, postfix, etc) and it would be ok for a while. but then the swap usage would go through the roof. since MC isn't what I got my node for, I killed it.

I'd try throwing more RAM (at least a 1024) at it, and see if that helps.

The recommendation that I saw via googling was 512MB of RAM per player, so for 5 players, you'd apparently want 2.5GB of RAM?

I'd assume you can get away with less than this, and that might be overkill anyhow, but Minecraft is notoriously memory hungry. A 512 ain't gonna cut it.

EDIT: Forum software fail.

you can say that again


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