[Solved]Hi Experts, Please help me beat the Chinese Gov...

Hi, I am a noob on Apache and Linux, but I know many of you guys here are experts.

Simply speaking, I want to let the Chinese people visit my app engine website by using the domain name.

Here is the details:

1. I have a VPS which has two websites already. I configured it according to this article:


2.I have linked a domain name www.example.com to App Engine site example.appspot.com

and CNAME www.example.com to ghs.google.com.

3. The rest of the world can visit example.appspot.com by using www.example.com, but not the Chinese people. Because the Chinese government has blocked ghs.google.com.

4. I want to configure the Apache on my VPS so that the Chinese people can visit my app engine by domain name. After some search, I find the following code:

 <virtualhost *:80="">ProxyRequests off
 <proxy *="">Order deny,allow
Allow from all</proxy> 
ProxyPreserveHost on
ProxyPass / http://ghs.google.com/
ProxyPassReverse / http://ghs.google.com/</virtualhost> 

I dont know where should I put this code. I am using Apache2 and Ubuntu 10.04.

And After I put this code, Can I still access my two websites normally on the VPS?

Thanks a lot for your time and attention!

3 Replies

保重。秘密警察正在看著你 !o`y#% No carrier.

I have already solved this problem.

 <virtualhost *:80="">ServerName example.com
ServerAlias  www.example.com
ProxyRequests off
 <proxy *="">Order deny,allow
Allow from all</proxy> 
ProxyPreserveHost on
ProxyPass / http://ghs.google.com/
ProxyPassReverse / http://ghs.google.com/</virtualhost> 


I have already solved this problem.
…for the Chinese people, right?


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