
What kind of filesystem backups and recovery options do you offer?

2 Replies

We currently don't have an "automated" method through our control panel to perform backups of Linode filesystems - although something like this is planned. Your inquiry has helped to raise it's priority on our to-do list.

Therefore, if you need a backup or restore performed of your entire filesystem (not specific files), you can fill out a Support Ticket with your request.

Thanks for your question. If you need anything else, please let me know.



I use rsync to make most of my larger transfers. It would seem especially useful to making disk images backups of our linode filesystems (for those not familiar, you can "mirror" files with rsync, and it will send mostly just the changed parts between the two over the wire). Is there some possiblity of getting the ability to run rsync against our linode's filesystems?

Obviously, we could run it inside the Linode, but running it against the actual UML disk image file would give a much more satifisying "yeah, it's all there" feeling to the process.


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