2 Linodes - Same Datacentre - different hosts?


I'm thinking about ordering 2 linodes in the same datacentre.

Can they be specified so they are guaranteed to be on different host machines?

One would be live & one serve as a (reasonably!) hot backup.

Therefore it wouldn't be a good idea for them to be on the same hardware.

I note from the FAQ that only the same plan types are on each host, so i suppose

a 512 & 768 would guarantee they are on different hosts, but can, say, two 512's be

specified to be on different hosts at the time of order?

Thanks in advance


6 Replies

Our Linode allocation system gives priority to machines where you do NOT have any other Linodes, however if they do indeed land on the same host just open a ticket and we'll get you taken care of.


Crikey, that was quick!

Thanks very much, that's great news.


I had a similar question as I'm planning a fairly large (30-40 servers) deployment which consists of multiple redundant pairs of servers. I need to ensure that each server in the pair is not on the same physical host.

Can I view in the control panel which physical host my linodes are running on ?


Can I view in the control panel which physical host my linodes are running on ?

Yes, it's in the column on the right side of each Linode's dashboard page.

If you're buying 30-40 Linodes, I imagine some will end up on the same hosts, but it should be easy to find 15-20 pairs that aren't.

You may also want to consider splitting these between two datacenters. All the redundancy in the world won't help you with a datacenter-wide issue, as does occasionally happen in life.


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