Switching from (mt)

Hey all,

So I'm tired of MediaTemple downtime and want to try something new. I have very little experience with linux. I want to sign up, but don't want to get stuck and not know what to do. Could you guys point me towards some good tutorials of setting up/maintaining a linux box? Also, what OS do you recommend?



3 Replies

Hi Patrick -

Check out our Linode Library, especially the 'Getting Started' and 'Beginner's Guide':


About 75% of Linodes are running Ubuntu or Debian, however we recommend using whatever you are most familiar with.

Hope that helps,



Hey all,

So I'm tired of MediaTemple downtime and want to try something new. I have very little experience with linux. I want to sign up, but don't want to get stuck and not know what to do. Could you guys point me towards some good tutorials of setting up/maintaining a linux box? Also, what OS do you recommend?



Hey Patrick,

As an aside, if you're not overly familiar with Linux, you could consider just hiring someone to do the grunt work for you.

Try out a Linode - you've got seven days from sign up and if it doesn't work for you, you can bail at no cost.

Check in these forums - lots of other people have gone the route you're considering and when they get stuck, someone helps them out - it's a great community. Also, you can usually get real-time support in the IRC channel.


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