Looks like Linode is the best

~~[http://saulkarl.blogspot.com/2010/11/good-bad-and-ugly-marketing-of-us.html" target="_blank">](http://saulkarl.blogspot.com/2010/11/go … of-us.html">http://saulkarl.blogspot.com/2010/11/good-bad-and-ugly-marketing-of-us.html](

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Looks like rackspace.hk now has US$ before all their pricing, but that does't explain why they are even using US$ for a Hong Kong business. Heck, some of their servers even have a note "*Available in Hong Kong Data Center only".

That would be like me, living in Montreal, buying a server from iWeb, located in Montreal, and having to pay in a foreign currency, paying the exchange fees despite renting a server three blocks away. Oh wait, you do have to pay them in a foreign currency :P Bad example. Anyhow, it's a bit silly for rackspace hong kong to charge in USD.


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