Is Linode good for a production website ?

Hi All ,

I am running a wallpaper based website. To run my website I need couple of basic stuffs .. like php, mysql, pache, zend optimizer and to resize images I need GD library .While searching for a better host for my website, I found linode and it looks okay for me.. but before going to start using it for hosting my website could anyone plase let me know below deails..

1. Is linode used by anyone for real production websites ? or its used only for devloping/testing websites / applications?

2. Can I run my websites ( 3 websites ) from a single linode account without any probelm ( no downtime, no other issues from server side ) ?

If anyone could answer these questions.. then it would be a freat help for me..


Thank you


6 Replies


1. Is linode used by anyone for real production websites ? or its used only for devloping/testing websites / applications?

2. Can I run my websites ( 3 websites ) from a single linode account without any probelm ( no downtime, no other issues from server side ) ?

1. Yes, absolutely.

2. Yes, that isn't a problem. The size linode you need will depend on your volume and the complexity of your website (ie, a "heavier" website might need a larger linode for less volume than a "lighter" one)

Linode is used to host a number of high-profile websites. Some have been collected here:

I run 4 sites (and am developing 3 more on the same Linode) on a 512, and I would imagine that well more than half of the Linodes are used for production websites.

Be aware, though, that Linode is an unmanaged server- they give you the virtual hardware and connectivity, but you really cannot do a stock install and have it perform well (true of any vps or dedicated server, not just Linode). It will take some configuration.

That said- the performance of the virtual hardware is simply fantastic, and the support is second to none. My last host (shared) would have problems, then they would hem and haw a bit to decide if they really had a problem, then they would look in to it, then they would "escalate" the problem to a competent tech, and finally the problem would get solved. With Linode, the one time they had to do work on the network on my server, I was informed way beforehand, hardly noticed when it happened. Usually, they find a problem before anyone else notices.

Yes and yes.

The only problems my linode has is me. Because of this, I got a second one to play, er, I mean, dev with.

It looks great to see a lots of reply and lots of production websites on linode.. I will soon go for a linode.. :)

but Linux is completely a new world for me.. :) so, don't know how will be my linode..

Thanks to all of you for your comments/replies


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