Repeat customer

I've been with Linode for quite awhile now. Initially on behalf of a client who had registered and then tasked me with the ongoing use of their Linode. Then through various projects.

Recently signed up with Linodefor my personal project ( to build my first major web application. I considered doing it all on a local dev machine but after many headaches I headed over to Linode, dropped in my credit card information and was up within minutes.

I'm still months away from launching but its nice to have the VPS. Its not as fast as a local dev server but its far more reliable and easy to setup!

4 Replies


Its not as fast as a local dev server but its far more reliable and easy to setup!

I do all of the development for remotely on a Linode using NX instead of VNC. Having four CPUs on the Linode helps me do so, plus I parallelize the math, statistical and graphing work needed for the site. It is actually both faster and more reliable for me to develop in this way.




Its not as fast as a local dev server but its far more reliable and easy to setup!

I do all of the development for remotely on a Linode using NX instead of VNC. Having four CPUs on the Linode helps me do so, plus I parallelize the math, statistical and graphing work needed for the site. It is actually both faster and more reliable for me to develop in this way.


Very cool. How do you find the latency to and from? I have a personal connection of 30/1 and find that VNC and the sort is far to slow for any real dev work.

vnc is too slow on a LAN to be that useful, let alone over the internet :-)


How do you find the latency to and from?

I also found VNC too laggy using the Internet, but it was OK over internal office LANs.

NX is working well for me, no frustrations during development - very snappy fast low-latency response. It is like working at the remote computer's console.



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