[SOLVED] Ubuntu 10.10 kernels compatible with pv-grub-x86 ?


I had 10.04 LTS running with linux-image-virtual , but after upgrading to 10.10 I've had to go back to Latest 2.6 Paravirt (

The error message with using linux-image-virtual mentioned that /dev/xvda couldn't be found. Using a duplicate linode configuration with just the kernel changed to Latest 2.6 Paravirt ( boots fine.

Thanks for your time.

1 Reply

After some testing, and mainly some searching, I found that this was already answered, here:


you can use the linux-image-ec2 kernel (which really means "Xen domU") kernel that Lucid ships, and boot it with PV-Grub instead of using one of our kernels.


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