Install Nginx 0.8.53 +phpmyadmin+mysql+php-fpm+ftp script!


I have modified's nginx install script to install latest stable nginx version without legacy stable versions because lots people asked for it!

This script will install-

  • Nginx 0.8.53

  • PHP 5.2.14 ( Didn’t updated it to 5.3.x because some web scripts reported to be having problems with 5.3.X branch)

  • Mysql 5.1.48

  • PHPMyAdmin 3.3.7

  • Eaccelerator (optional 1 click install)

  • VsFTPd, PureFTPd (Optional 1 click install)

  • PHP Suhousin Patch

All you have to do is execute 4 commands and its ready to roll on your vps or dedicated.

For now only debian 5 (32bit and 64bit both) is supported. Ubuntu has some package installation problems on version 10.04.1 and 10.10 but you can install on 10.04LTS but i extremely recommend debian to this!

Ubuntu will be supported on next release!

Here are the steps to install-

1. Download the installer package-

wget -c

2. Decompress the install package-.

tar zxvf lnmp0.5.tar.gz

3. Go to install directory-

cd lnmp0.5

4.Start installing-


It will ask you 3 questions about your domain name,where server located ( To identify closest mirrors to download os updates), and mysql root password.

And it will take at least 15 minutes to install and it will be ready!

Here is the link for further reference -

Please give your comments on this!

Thanks linoders!

8 Replies

You should look into making this a StackScript.

Check out


You should look into making this a StackScript.

Check out

Of course jed! Ill look in to this! :)

Any progress on turning this into a stackscript? Would be great to have.


Any progress on turning this into a stackscript? Would be great to have.

Did you used this script? :)


Did you used this script? :)

No, it looks great, but how would you run the script on a Linode without an OS already deployed on it?



Did you used this script? :)

No, it looks great, but how would you run the script on a Linode without an OS already deployed on it?

You can easily deploy debian and then install this! ;) Just easy!

You can even more easily run a stackscript, which does both for you…

This is super old but for some reason still top of the searches for Nginx auto installers and LEMP scripts. is now dead. So is eAccelerator and some of that stuff… even the other Linode forum before like VPSSIM or AnsiPress they are also dead =\

But similar fork is SlickStack :

  • Ubuntu LTS
  • Nginx
  • MySQL (maybe MariaDB next)
  • Zend Opcache
  • OpenSSL (maybe Let's Encrypt is next)
  • Redis object cache
  • Git
  • UFW Firewall (from Ubuntu)
  • WordPress

And the best thing is that working perfect in every Linode datacenter because of their KVM virtualization but should be 2GB RAM (see docs).

But if you are gonna have WordPress in your LEMP stack this is easy way cuz already bundled (unlike Easyengine, Webinoly, Centminmod, etc). Maybe Stackscript will be next…


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