Can't connect to remote MySQL server on Ubuntu 10.04


I have set up a High Availability MySQL database on two Linodes. I am able to SSH into one of them and add new users and tables. I am not able to connect from another LAMP stack Linode. Any advice?

I followed the instructions to set up a HA MySQL server on Ubuntu 10.04: … untu-10.04">

On each HA MySQL server, I altered /etc/mysql/my.cnf's bind-address to use the shared private IP between the two HA MySQL servers. Then I created a database and user at the private IP of my LAMP Linode with GRANT to the new database. I also have port 3306 available in my iptables and see no errors regarding this in my /var/log/syslog file and see nothing in the /var/log/mysql* logs

When I try to telnet from the LAMP Linode to the HA MySQL Linodes I get the following after a long delay:

root@li222-234:~# telnet 3306
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out

With mysql I get the following after a long delay:

root@li222-234:~# mysql -u dbuser -h -p
Enter password: 
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (110)

Thanks for any ideas of what to tweak.


4 Replies

I am using iptables but have opened port 3306 to all IPs. I also see no errors about this listed in my syslog, whereas other firewall blocks are listed here.

Thanks, Josh

what are those errors that you are referring?

can post what was stated on the error

so that we can analyze what was that.


Having the same problem with an Aegri install. Will keep and eye and report if I succede fixing it.


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