Mysql replication - master not writing to binary log

I have a slave set up (and the master/slave seem to talk to each other without a problem), but my current problem seems isolated to the master.

First off, here's what I have in my my.cnf (master)


Now, if I restart the server using 'sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart', then 'show master status', I get

File: mysql-bin.000001

Position: 106

However, this never changes regardless of insert/update/delete traffic. I'm using phpMyAdmin to look at things, and the 'Binary Log' tab in PMA shows the same thing: a single line showing what I presume to be the init. of the binary log.

(PS: PMA also appears to show that the master is running fine).

I can get the slave to connect and wait for updates in the bin-log, but since nothing is being updated, nothing gets sent over.

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions!

1 Reply

Hey, after hours of beating my head in over this, I seem to have figured it out mere minutes after posting the thread. the dodb/ignoredb lines are misconfigured (only one database per line?), so I just took them out entirely, and it seems to be working just fine now.


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