A couple of questions regarding e-mail server setup

I have followed the advice given in the Linode library in regards to setting up Ubuntu 10.04 with Postfix, Dovecot and MySQL to handle e-mail and I think I have setup the correct SPF records for my domains but I'm a little bit lost on how best to handle multiple domains sending e-mail from one IP address and therefore only being able to have one RDNS name.

The setup is as follows:

The main Postfix server is at mail.example.com. This is also configured as the reverse DNS name for the IP address and the MX record is also set to this.

My other domains (lets say blah.com for this) are set as normal except with the MX record set too mail.example.com and the SPF record to include example.com. Also records like mail.blah.com and smtp.blah.com are CNAME records to mail.example.com.

Does this sound like the correct setup for an email server DNS wise?

Thank you for any help.

4 Replies

It will work out OK. Your server's name is distinct from the services it provides, and as long as it has one and it is reasonable, it should be fine. "mail" is kind of a boring name for a server, though. :-)


It will work out OK. Your server's name is distinct from the services it provides, and as long as it has one and it is reasonable, it should be fine. "mail" is kind of a boring name for a server, though. :-)

That's just its external name :). My actual naming scheme is world war 2 aircraft.

Thanks for the info.

OK I got my e-mail setup as I would like it but now I need to transfer my e-mails from my old shared host to my new Linode VPS. I have a tar.gz file of the Maildir and assume that I just put that in the /home/vmail folder (as I said I followed the Linode library Postfix tutorial) and make sure the owner and group are correctly set and that the permissions are set too 700?

Will that work correctly once I have added the correct user and password to the MySQL database?

OK that seems to have got them transfered over. There is probably a better way though.


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