MindTouch Deki on nginx ?

Does anyone have a good, recent nginx.conf file set up for running MindTouch Deki on nginx ???

We've found a two rather incomplete posts elsewhere, so we're hesitant to try their advice - but we'd really like to try nginx.

Any help much appreciated !

1 Reply

FYI - We decided to simply go with what we know - Apache - after not finding any decent documentation - running on a 512 at the moment. Only install glitch was that we had to go back and bring Mono up to the current stable version and compile by hand. Everything seems to be running fine.

… except we are very disappointed with the community edition of MindTouch - which seems to display numerous, obnoxious, intrusive sale pitches - and they are all coded much too deeply for us to eliminate them without undue hassle. I mean, really, if you are going to provide an opensource edition shouldn't it be reasonably usable?



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