Created Linode Status Feedburner with e-mail subscriptions

Hey everyone,

New here but I went ahead and created a Feedburner that pulls right off the blogs feed url for Status Updates. You can subscribe to e-mail updates right from this link. I didn't see a way to do this on the Linode Website so here it is for those who don't spend their day inside a Reader.

7 Replies

Why not just use ?

The feedburner is getting information directly from

It's really just the e-mail updates that are nice. I like to know what's going on but I don't want to check unless something is going on.

The feedburner references the

Again, alone won't give you e-mail updates. You can use a reader but e-mail updates are for those who don't spend time in a reader.

This is nice and useful. Not trying to diminish mlehner616's efforts, but I was going to suggest Linode to implement a mailing list of sorts for important status updates and news.

Naturally, That would be preferred. Especially since this thing will only e-mail once per day.

This took me all but 5 minutes to make so not too much effort to diminish :)

For most really important stuff affecting the running state of your Linode (physical host emergencies, planned maintenance, etc), you will be individually notified by e-mail through the ticketing system. I've experienced this, and it works out pretty well. came about following a network outage that blocked access to It is a simple pointy-clicky bloggy thing hosted off-site, so there's not much flexibility. Fortunately, most of the outages posted there are temporary and require no action on my part. For the ones that do require action, taking action happens independently of whatever appears on


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