Linode Performance vs. Shared Hosting

Hello all,

I currently have about 5 sites hosted on various shared hosting accounts (Bluehost, A Small Orange). I am considering moving them all to a single 512 Linode. They are Wordpress, ExpressionEngine and simple RoR apps.

What kind of performance differences, for better or worse, am I likely to see with Linode? The sites are mostly for small businesses that each get a few thousand hits a month.

Is the 512 enough?

How can I calculate my RAM and processor needs (I think the bandwidth with the 512 will be enough)?

Thanks so much in advance!

1 Reply


Hello all,

I currently have about 5 sites hosted on various shared hosting accounts (Bluehost, A Small Orange). I am considering moving them all to a single 512 Linode. They are Wordpress, ExpressionEngine and simple RoR apps.

What kind of performance differences, for better or worse, am I likely to see with Linode? The sites are mostly for small businesses that each get a few thousand hits a month.

Is the 512 enough?

How can I calculate my RAM and processor needs (I think the bandwidth with the 512 will be enough)?

Thanks so much in advance!

Unless your Rails apps are really processor or memory intensive, a 512 should be fine. You're going to need to tune mysql and apache (or using nginx or lighttpd), but that's pretty well documented in these forums and in the library.

I'm running a phpBB that gets 50-60k hits on a slow day and 500k on a busy one and my 512 doesn't blink.


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