can I scrape web pages with AJAX on linode?


is there any way I can scrape web pages that uses AJAX using something like ruby + mechanize on linode. would be a solution but I guess not applicable to linode.

Thank you


4 Replies

Probably. Figure out what the application is doing to get the data you want, and then do that. AJAX isn't magic; there's still HTTP under the hood.


Probably. Figure out what the application is doing to get the data you want, and then do that. AJAX isn't magic; there's still HTTP under the hood.

sounds interesting!

I am not the author of the AJAX code so do you think that 'analysing HTTP' traffic let's say using firebug would do the job?

thank you


Perhaps. It depends a lot on the application and what you want to do… it can be a fun way to use tools in ways you don't normally use them, at the very least.

Firebug will probably get you moving; Wireshark is good to play with, as well.


Perhaps. It depends a lot on the application and what you want to do…
the first step will be to just to scrape (get) data, next one modify/enter data


change it can be a fun way to use tools in ways you don't normally use them, at the very least. yep, you're completely right. It sounds really exciting … also because I know nothing about it right now …


Firebug will probably get you moving; Wireshark is good to play with, as well.
I think I installed Wireshark once and didn't get how it works :-)

Thank you



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