[SOLVED] OpenSSL Issue
I'm getting the following when trying to start lighttpd;
> Starting web server lighttpd
(network.c.336) SSL: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)
I have tried the workaround described over at
> set
ssl.use-sslv2 = "enable"
in the appropriate places in the config. This will enable SSLv2, but you can
prevent actual working SSLv2 negotiation by massaging the cipher list, for
example like this:
ssl.cipher-list = "TLSv1+HIGH RC4+MEDIUM !SSLv2 !3DES !aNULL @STRENGTH"
Though lighttpd still doesn't want to start up, any other ideas? OpenSSL is currently the latest version from apt-get | Ubuntu 9.10 | Lighttpd 1.4.28 installed from source.
5 Replies
Version 1.4.22 is in the apt universe repository so that might be easier for you to use. If not you could try compiling again ensuring you have a clean source.
If you really want to compile stuff from source, that's what Gentoo is for; its packages are all uncompiled, so you get the benefits of a package manager with the benefits of compiling from source. Personally, I prefer my binaries pre-compiled, but to each his own.
My bad