which level should i choose?

i run a oscommerce site(including some customized modes) on bluehost now, there are about 1000 ip per day with this site, is there anybody help me to point which level of linode vps should i choose?

btw, is there a hardware detail page with linode?

thanks a lot.


5 Replies

Linode 512 plan is more than fine with your site! Install nginx for faster performance!

If you are newbie for installing nginx I would suggest nginx automated installer! -

~~[http://www.ruchirablog.com/nginxmysqlphpfpm-auto-installer-centos-5-debian/" target="_blank">](http://www.ruchirablog.com/nginxmysqlph … -5-debian/">http://www.ruchirablog.com/nginxmysqlphpfpm-auto-installer-centos-5-debian/](

thanks a lot. i'm not a newbie with *nix, but i can't find a server detail of linode. anyway, thanks a lot.

I keep seeing these nigx posts surface against Apache. I'm new to Linode, Linux and Apache.

I've running Ubuntu 8.04 LTS with Apache2, MySQL 5.1 and PHP 5.2. Drupal site is Drupal 6.19 and a small niche community type site.

Should I move to nigx? Are there any clear instructions on how to without explosions remove Apache and install Nigx?


Run Nginx on a different port ~ 81, and test it until it is up to a production state, then when you are happy stop HTTPD and move NGINX to port 80.

Personally I find you can't go wrong with a Binford 5000 level.

Like Tim used to say: "always by the best - buy Binford Tools".

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