
Is there a good capistrano deployment documentation for rails apps on linode?

I am struggling with figuring out the deployment user, ssh authentication, git and permissions.


1 Reply


Is there a good capistrano deployment documentation for rails apps on linode?

I am struggling with figuring out the deployment user, ssh authentication, git and permissions.


If you post some errors, I might be able to help.

3 steps to capistrano

  • being able to log in without a password without using cap

  • being able to have capistrano log in itself to do basic filesystem functions

  • being able to have capistrano log in and deploy an app from your source tree.

In a nutshell, your application is going to run as a user, say "appuser", on your linode host called "linode". That's your deployment user.

From another system you'll be deploying the app, say as user "thisisme" from a box called "devbox". So, logged in as thisisme from devbox, you should be able to run "ssh appuser@linode" without getting a password prompt.

If not, make sure that thisisme@devbox's ~/.ssh/ is in appuser@linode:~/.ssh/authorizedkeys and that appuser@linode:~/.ssh is mode 700, owned by appuser, and that ~/.ssh/authorized_keys is mode 600 and owned by appuser. If you still can't ssh in without a password, look at /var/log/secure and /var/log/messages (or whatever else your system uses) to see if there are any clues.

Then run "cap deploy:cold", and capistrano should be able to connect in and set up the directory structure.

If you get that far, step 3 becomes pretty easy, you're just telling cap to pull your application from SCM. If it can log in to your server and run git/svn, the errors at this point usually tell you exactly what's wrong.

Post some output, I can help more.


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