Upgraded to MySQL 5.1.22 Debian on Ubuntu - okay?

I'm really new to all of this Linux stuff. Working with Drupal 6.19 and Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Hardy as the lastest Ubunte has PHP 5.3 which wrecks my Drupal site.

So….the site also needed a newer MySQL release than 8.04 had so I followed some instructions on adding some ppa.launchpad.net… site to my mysql.list file. It pulled a newer version that now says 5.1.22-rc-Debian_2~ppa5-log for the version number.

Is this going to be a problem?

1 Reply

Last night for a few hours the Linode was going to 100% CPU on the graphs and I got a few emails warning me that it had exceeded threshholds.

The only thing drastically different is the MySQL upgrade - so now I'm concerned that the Debian MySQL I put on Ubuntu isn't cool.

The CPU is fine now….really strange. I'm brand new to tuning Linux, Apache and MySQL along with Drupal. Anxious to learn and scouring the forum, but not sure where to start exactly.


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