Drupal migration - users and module not showing

Hey forum - first post here.

I just moved to linode.com and loving it so far. Have setup LAMP (ubuntu) and installed Drupal 6.19. My old site is Drupal 6.17. My steps were:

1) Install/configure LAMP

2) Install Drupal

3) Export db from old host and verified there was content.

4) Imported to new database I had created on Linode.

4) Copied the sites folder from old host

5) Updated settings.php

6) Ran update.php

The Drupal site here is up, but isn't showing any of my stuff including users. The modules do show up in the modules list, but aren't doing anything. So it isn't seeing the database I guess? Any help would be awesome. THANKS.

*Note - I just saw a post on the Drupal forums saying PHP 5.3 doesn't play nice with Drupal 6. Is this true?

3 Replies

Personally, I would migrate from old host version x to new host version x.

THEN when new host is working as expected, upgrade to version x.2

Cuts the variables of what could go wrong down.

Hey thanks for the input - I've been poking around since and have noticed that all of the modules show up, but are not enabled. and my users are not there. it is like the database doesn't have the right information from the old host. but my settings.php is pointing to the correct db.

It looks like it was a DB issue.

There is a line under the database path and username that I didn't have matched from my old install. Ther was a "dr_" missing.

Also, PHP 5.3 was killing my Drupal site. So I started over with Ubuntu 8.04 LT which has PHP 5.2. Voila….works like a charm now.


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