kernels > stall ssh? (Gentoo x86)


I have a up-to-date Gentoo box. When I use or older I never have an issue with SSH stalling. But when using newer kernels SSH will stall after a day. I can login, the MOTD shows and prompt but I can't enter any commands. The server processes are still running and the servers performance isn't effected, only SSH.

Any ideas what could be going on?


linode28 also works.

6 Replies

There were timing related bugs in the kernels you mentioned… Always use "Latest 2.6" to get our most recent maintained and working kernel.


The problem is, I can't use the latest. They lag out once the MOTD shows after one day. Since linode28 has been out, which is still .32 everything is still working for a few days. With the newer kernels do I need to change timing settings in the ssh config?

Our "Latest 2.6 Paravirt" points to, so please always use that pointer, and you'll always get our latest, known working kernel.



Our "Latest 2.6 Paravirt" points to, so please always use that pointer, and you'll always get our latest, known working kernel.

Is there a feed or something for us to know when that gets updated? I'm using the pointer, but if there's an update, I don't get it until I reboot.








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