Linode Manager Alpha Android App Coming!

I am developing an Android app to work with Linode….. I have a alpha version running on my android phone and so far everything works nice….. a public alpha will be available soon.

When I release the Alpha you will need to manually install it to your phone it will not be available in the Android Market. I will list the beta version and any version after that in the market for a small nominal fee to offset the $25 fee required to list apps on the market and for my time in developing the app.

3 Replies

We already have one … ht=android">

I had trouble using that app and plus it doesn't work with the new Beta manager.

Hi bkerensa,

What kind of problem did you have with my application ?

Maybe i can fix it for you ;-)

Thank you.


  • Atenciosamente/ Regards/ Saludos,

  • Jan Souza -



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