can I backup my whole linode into an image?


I am setting up my linode and I already started few times. It would be great help if I can backup it up when I am happy with the current status and before I have to redo it again :-)

Is there any way how to do that? I am thinking of creating an (partition) image but not sure if it is doable.

Thank you


4 Replies

You can duplicate a Linode disk image in the Linode Manager (Image Options => Duplicate Image), but be aware that backing up a 'live' file system may meet with limited success, especially for databases – so shut down your Linode before you do it, or at least dump your databases.

A backup on your Linode will only protect you from your mistakes -- you can revert to a previous installation version if you screw something up. It will not protect you against hardware failure.


You can duplicate a Linode disk image in the Linode Manager (Image Options => Duplicate Image),

that's great. :!:

How's it about space? The new image will consume only used space or will be equal to the size of my linode ?


How's it about space? The new image will consume only used space or will be equal to the size of my linode ?
Upside: it's quick and easy. Downside: the duplicate is the same size as the original image (they are just files on the host system).

To use less space, you can use tar with compression to make a backup to a separate drive image (caveats about live file systems still apply).

I suggest that you use the quick and easy duplication system while you are experimenting, then switch to a more robust backup strategy when you are happy with your Linode. Once you have a 'real' backup strategy in place, you can delete the backup disk image and increase the size of your Linode's operational image(s).



How's it about space? The new image will consume only used space or will be equal to the size of my linode ?
Upside: it's quick and easy. Downside: the duplicate is the same size as the original image (they are just files on the host system).

To use less space, you can use tar with compression to make a backup to a separate drive image (caveats about live file systems still apply).

I suggest that you use the quick and easy duplication system while you are experimenting, then switch to a more robust backup strategy when you are happy with your Linode. Once you have a 'real' backup strategy in place, you can delete the backup disk image and increase the size of your Linode's operational image(s).

Thank you. Now I know exactly what to do. :idea:


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