
Dear Linoders!

I was wondering if anything has successfully implemented grsecurity on their Linode…

If not, what do you use for top notch security?

Thank you very much!


2 Replies


If not, what do you use for top notch security?
Good, tested, up-to-date backups.

Yes, I do agree that is a good. However, I don't believe that is the best, especially not for defense against attacks.

I want something that will defend my server, where I would not need to deploy a backup.

A few reasons that isn't good enough.

1. Downtime. It will take time to deploy a backup.

2. Privacy, if they get access, they can grab all your passwords, and if you run a site that holds user information, all that information is now up for grabs.

In my opinion, it's always best to have a great defense system in place.


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