setquota: Mountpoint (or device) / not found.

55 views and not a hit. I don't think this post is going anywhere. I'll try finding some clues else where. Thank you though.


Hello all, new user to linode. Enjoying myself very much so far. I've only run into one issue so far, I'm hoping someone with more experience can lend me a hand.

I'm testing DirectAdmin as part of my linode and I'm getting the error below when adding a new account to DirectAdmin. It adds the account but can't set the quota for the user I guess is why it's complaining.

setquota: Mountpoint (or device) / not found. setquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.

System lnfo;

Cent0S 5.5 32bit

According to directadmin.conf it's using / as the mount point



So it's trying to run;

/usr/sbin/repquota /

You can see the return below;

[root@cp ~]# /usr/sbin/repquota / 
repquota: Mountpoint (or device) / not found.
repquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.
[root@cp ~]# 

Now, I'm new to quota's but it appears that I can turn quota or/off just fine;

[root@cp ~]# /sbin/quotaoff -a
[root@cp ~]# 
[root@cp ~]# /sbin/quotaon -a
[root@cp ~]# 

However if I try to get it to calulate it doesn't want to play;

[root@cp ~]# /sbin/quotacheck -avugm
quotacheck: Can't find filesystem to check or filesystem not mounted with quota option.

My current fstab looks like this

 <file system=""><mount point=""><type><options><dump><pass>proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/xvda / ext3 noatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1
/dev/xvdb none swap sw 0 0
[root@cp ~]#</pass></dump></options></type></mount></file> 

Additional information.

- I've put a aquota.user in / and chmod it to 600 per some doc's I read

- in fatab I've tried including usrquota in options, but if I do and reboot the machine, and run /sbin/quotaoff -a I get the following error.

quotaoff: Cannot find quota file on / [/dev/xvda] to turn quotas on/off.

Hoping this is something you have seen and can push me in the right direction to get quotas working for /.

Thanks a bunch!

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