Two domains + one IP + ignorance = request for assistance

I'm stuggling with a problem undoubtedly due to ignorance… I've been searching for hours for a ready-fit explanation on the web with no luck. So let's try asking for help…

I've got two domain names, and… both referring the the same IP and content. These were hosted by GoDaddy until yesterday, when I made the switch to Linode. One works (pointergames) and the other doesn't (splodey). I'm using name-based virtual hosting, with which I do have experience on the LAMP server in my home.

I believe I must be doing something wrong with the DNS setup… the use of A and CNAME records is new to me.

A "whois" shows that Linode is the name server for both domains.

So the question… using the Linode DNS, how does one route two domain names to one IP?



3 Replies

Did you Add a New Domain Zone in the DNS Manager for It looks like Linode's nameservers don't know about that domain yet.

Uggh. I was looking for that very function… but completely missed it there along the bottom of the DNS Manager table. I thought it weird to only be able to declare and then somehow make an alias of sorts.

Thank you MUCH for the assistance. It is already working.

Issue closed… thanks hoopycat!


Indeed, it works from here too!

You're welcome. Have fun! -rt


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