Swap slowly increases

Should I be worried that the swap is slowly getting bigger and bigger? I checked all the processes with meminfo.pl and they all swap from a few KB the small ones like nginx, to even 7MB the big ones like Java and Apache. There is no decrease in performance though, but this is just after a 5 days uptime. Is this the so called swappiness? Bellow is the munin graph I am talking about:

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2 Replies

It just means that there's some data in your RAM which hasn't been used for a while. The kernel moves it to swap so that more RAM can be used for other purposes such as buffers & cache. As soon as the data is needed, it will be brought back into RAM. Nothing to worry about.


It just means that there's some data in your RAM which hasn't been used for a while. The kernel moves it to swap so that more RAM can be used for other purposes such as buffers & cache. As soon as the data is needed, it will be brought back into RAM. Nothing to worry about.

Thank you. I was inclined to think that. It makes sense this way.


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