Apache Virtual Host Issues via Webmin

Ok……….. I got apache working fine for my main vhost www.nodewide.com……… which points to /var/www

I setup a second vhost for www.empirequest.co.uk and pointed it to /home/Chien/www

the issue is the vhost isnt working….. for whatever reason when I go to www.empirequest.co.uk it just directs me to the main vhost.

12 Replies

Did your restart Apache?

* Reloading web server config apache2 [Sat Sep 04 06:12:43 2010] [warn] VirtualHost www.empirequest.co.uk:80 overlaps with VirtualHost forums.empirequest.co.uk:80, the first has precedence, perhaps you need a NameVirtualHost directive

[Sat Sep 04 06:12:43 2010] [warn] VirtualHost www.nodewide.com:80 overlaps with VirtualHost www.empirequest.co.uk:80, the first has precedence, perhaps you need a NameVirtualHost directive

Ok I've never used webin to set up apache but "Handles the name-based server on address *" doesn't quite look right.

Make sure you have NameVirtualHost directives for *:80 in your httpd.conf

How do I setup these directives?

You might have better luck posting on the webmin forum

http://sourceforge.net/projects/webadmi … rum/600155">http://sourceforge.net/projects/webadmin/forums/forum/600155

I'm guessing almost everyone here at Linode runs their server via the shell.

I know how to do things via shelll I just am not familiar with setting up vhosts by shell.

I looked at /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

and it is totally empty which I think is odd…..

I then had a look in…..




And based on the files located in these paths there is only one vhost setup…..

Just added the following to the httpd.conf

Order allow,deny

Allow from all

ServerName clients.nodewide.com

ServerAlias clients.nodewide.com

DocumentRoot /home/bkerensa/www/client-area/

UseCanonicalName off

Order allow,deny

Allow from all

ServerName www.empirequest.co.uk

DocumentRoot /home/Chien/www/

UseCanonicalName off

Order allow,deny

Allow from all

ServerName forums.empirequest.co.uk

DocumentRoot /home/Chien/www/forums/

UseCanonicalName off

Order allow,deny

Allow from all

Does this look fine?


I know how to do things via shelll I just am not familiar with setting up vhosts by shell.

Checking the Linode library or spending 5 minutes with Google brings up lots and lots and lots of VHOST examples.

Choose either webmin OR shell trying both will just cause headaches.


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