Apache DNS Issue

www.mydomain.com loads just fine however mydomain.com does not load.

6 Replies

Bummer. Both http://mydomain.com/ and http://www.mydomain.com/ load OK from here.

In other words - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too little info.

Personally, I don't play 20 questions, so good luck.

Good thing this was only an issue instead of an actual problem.


In other words - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too little info.

Personally, I don't play 20 questions, so good luck.
Are you a person?



In other words - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too little info.

Personally, I don't play 20 questions, so good luck.
Are you a person?



Are you a person?

Not since I got married. :lol:


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