which mailserver solution?


I will probably go for Debian (or Ubuntu) linode.

I wanted to ask for help which mailserver I should install in terms of

  • I am not an experienced linux admin

  • easy to set up (multiple domains, users, mailing lists, forwarding, quotas)

  • fast performance

  • multiple domain support

  • would be nice if got web base email client

  • whatever I forgot and is an important thing to have

Thank you


6 Replies


  • I am not an experienced linux admin
    If you successfully work your way thru your wish list, you will be.

Two recommendations to get you started, and they are mutually exclusive:

Google Apps will handle your mail and give you a Gmail-like interface, which can be nice if you're inexperienced with running your own mail server. There are caveats to running an MTA which can land you in spam hell fairly quickly, and I try to recommend outsourcing mail when possible. You can have fifty users before you have to pay, if I recall.

The other option, which I've never used, is Citadel. At first glance it appears to do all that you are after, but I can't vouch for it.

I really like Zimbra, but it's not something you should run on anything with less than 2GB of RAM. If you're prepared to learn how to tune it you can easily run it on a Linode 512, though.


Two recommendations to get you started, and they are mutually exclusive:

Google Apps

The other option, which I've never used, is Citadel. At first glance it appears to do all that you are after, but I can't vouch for it.

I basically need

  • add new domain to my solution

  • create new email addresses ( there will be more than 50 of them in the future)

  • forward the new email address somewhere else. I guess I can redirect the email and not to have real account on my linode at all.

Wouldn't be easier to use some kind of solution purely on linode?


When you say 50 in the future? what sort of time frame?

It maybe easier to have an external solution now and migrate later, google apps takes all of 10 mins to set up and for an inexperienced admin is a darn sight easier.


When you say 50 in the future? what sort of time frame?

It maybe easier to have an external solution now and migrate later, google apps takes all of 10 mins to set up and for an inexperienced admin is a darn sight easier.

That's a good question :-) I really don't know the time frame for that. Probably few months?

I was reading Google's FAQ and below question and the answer is all about my question :-)

__Do I need to pay for forwarding mail?

No, you don't. You only need to pay for user accounts within Google Apps. To forward mail for your domain, you can use our email routing feature. Email routing allows you to create a mail rule to forward mail for user accounts that don't exist in Google Apps. However, you would have to maintain a separate server or mail system to handle the forwarding mail which may cost as much as purchasing user accounts in Google Apps.__


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