svn over https?


I am thinking of joining mainly for having my own "multi user svn server". It seems to me that I cannot make it work on shared hosting service this way

1) I want it to be secure

2) I don't want to give out ssh access to my linode.

( I don't have to use svn, could be any other similar solution )

So the only solution (correct me if I'm not right) seems to me svn over https. Is that possible?

Thank you


9 Replies

Yes using webdav see … stems/svn/">


Yes using webdav see … stems/svn/">

thanks for that. That looks great.

Can I do the same with Nginx? I thought I would go for Nginx instead of Apache on my linode. Or is it good idea to run two different web servers on the same linode to serve different domains?

I don't think you can do it with nginx I've never tried, I personally use git over ssh.

You could configure nginx to serve web traffic on port 80 and then have apache server svn traffic on port 443 (https)

I recommend doing like obs, use SVN over SSH and not even have to install an SVN server.

This is how to configure it in Eclipse, as an example:

ssh repo on some server


I used to do something similar with Lightthpd where I had an apache install (tuned to not use a bunch of memory) setup on alternate ports. Since all of my repos were under a single path I would proxy any requests matching that path over to the apache install.

Later on I switched my webserver to a combo of Nginx + Apache, but I also switched over to git, but I'm positive you could do a similar setup with Nginx + Apache + SVN


I recommend doing like obs, use SVN over SSH and not even have to install an SVN server.

This is how to configure it in Eclipse, as an example:

ssh repo on some server


well, my concern is that if svn is over ssh that means shell access to the person I want only to do code checking. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Use git instead with git-shell, no actual shell access just git access.



I recommend doing like obs, use SVN over SSH and not even have to install an SVN server.

This is how to configure it in Eclipse, as an example:

ssh repo on some server


well, my concern is that if svn is over ssh that means shell access to the person I want only to do code checking. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Yeah that's true, it's not a good fit for your second requirement. I see obs is suggesting a solution with git.



well, my concern is that if svn is over ssh that means shell access to the person I want only to do code checking. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Yeah that's true, it's not a good fit for your second requirement. I see obs is suggesting a solution with git.
what if I set up the permissions right (not sure if possible) so the users won't have rw access to the repository


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