Invalid Session when trying to reply to this forum

So, I am remote logged into my home PC from work since both IE8 and Google Chrome at work cannot do anything on this forum. First off, I have to try logging in multiple times. Then, once logged in, I try to reply to a thread, and it just says "Invalid Session, Please resubmit the form"… whats going on? I tried clearing all my cookies and still no go. Why doesn't this version of phpBB have the "Delete Cookies" option?

4 Replies

Perhaps your work's cookie settings are too strict? Maybe they only allow them from certain sites?

You say you tried clearing the cookies, but whenever I get this sort of problem, removing the single Linode forum cookie that ends in "_t" seems to fix it. I don't have to prune anything else, so I stay authenticated.

That cookie seems to eventually grow too large for the forum software which then rejects requests including it. I have a theory that it happens by leaving the forum open/authenticated for a long period of time, but I haven't looked too deeply. Once it happens though I'm stuck until I get rid of the cookie.

– David

(Just checked, it's called "linodeforums1t" under the domain - on this machine the cookie is currently 3200+ characters long but still working)

-posting for me from Chrome failed (as usual lately for the Linode forums)

Trying from Firefox:

I've been having the same problem and clearing the cookies doesn't always work.

I don't have a _t cookie in Chrome….

What ever the problem, it's not the browser, it's what ever these crappy forums are doing with cookies. I have several other forums I sit on all day that I can stay logged into for months without problems. However, none of them use this crappy phpBB BS

Let's see if this post actually posts. (copying text just in case as is probably won't post)

Looks like Firefox has the _t cookie, however, I'm still having problems with posting even after clearing cookies in Firefox as well.

Trying https now, 6th try…

Crap that was a lot of work!

So looks like I have to use Firefox, https, clear all linode cookies….

Chrome I know doesn't work through https, I haven't gotten a post through that way for awhile now.

And BAM! Invalid session. This is just ridiculous.

Firefox, https, clear the _t cookie, ctrl+shift+r to refresh the page, click Reply.

Try 2 for this reply alone…


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