Want different partitions, but need some help deciding.

Plan 1 partition for OS, 1 parition for sites hosted. and dbs.

Should I Need another for logs and other stuff i might end up needing?

I am linode noob, but I am always of the idea to keep things separated. A small partition for os 2gb where you can quickly restore an image with the prefered settings, and all other data for the sites being hosted, databases etc. in the other. I dont know if this type of setup is recommended under xen or virtualization in general.

If you all have some recommendations against this or for this I would really appreciate it.

If I create other partitions, for what would they be?

I have seen several options in the forum, but get confuesed with the aboundance of information.

I am running centos 5.5 32. Will have webmin as panel.


3 Replies

Other than very specific use cases?

I've yet to see anyone, anywhere, ever provide me with actual tangible evidence that their particular flavour of partition madness held any real, meaningful performance benefits.

As difficult as it may be to admit though…

I've also never proved that they were harming performance enough for it to matter, either!

All of this is especially true under *nix/Linux/etc. where you can do all sorts of wonderful magic thanks to the whole "the world is a filesystem" attitude.

If you're worried about the VM part of the equation… you both should and shouldn't be, I suppose. Yes, disk sucks in a VPS. No, you can't fix it. C'est la vie!

Just do what feels right!

It's more than likely fine.

(Within reason, of course)

If you've planned it out yourself you'll feel more comfortable using it, also, maybe even learn something new! Both of which are probably far more important to really doing cool things with the node than anything you can get from partition schemes, at the end of the day. :)

Make one for /tmp

If you want make one for /var/log (means if someone floods your logs it can't kill everything else).

I have:

Root (Debian 5.0 64-bit)





/var and /tmp are on separate partitions mainly because (as I understand) on a server, you don't want spooling, logs and other volatile files to be able to cause your root partition to become full.

/home is on a separate partition partly for the same reason and partly because that's just the way I like to always do it. Theoretically it means I could re-use that same partition/image and swap/wipe the root partition and things like that, but my backup is currently file-based not image-based and don't see myself doing anything like that in the near future.

I don't have a separate /srv partition as I don't really use /srv on this machine and when I do use a /srv partition in Linux it's usually just to mount (or bind mount) various other things in there.


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