not generated

I have been battling with this for a while now, and was hoping someone who's faced a similar issue could help me out.

I had installed apache2 and php5 (from source) on my centos 5.5 system, and the php5 shared object got created perfectly fine at that time.

Then, I later realized that I needed curl support, so I recompiled and re-installed php, but, this time the shared object just does not get generated. And i dont get any errors either.

Here are the configure options I used for php:

./configure –with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --enable-safe-mode --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql --with-gd --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib --with-png-dir=/usr/lib --enable-gd-native-ttf --with-ttf –with-freetype-dir=/usr/lib --enable-exif --with-openssl --with-curl

php version:php-5.2.13

apache version:httpd-2.2.15

Any help on this would be highly appreciated!



8 Replies

Did you recompile from a clean source? not one that's already been compiled?

Why would you pick CentOS if you are going to compile your own apps?

It complete breaks the stability and security that is the core of RHEL/CentOS.

Yeah I tried that as well. But that didn't help either.

I figured that that would give me a more secure environment - being able to configure the options I wanted at compile time, rather than run time.

Anything I can do to fix this now?

The problem with compiling from source is that you are then on the hook to handle any security updates that are required, without any leadtime the distribution vendors might have. This is particularly critical for things that are accessed remotely, like (for example) Apache or PHP.

In other words, you've just defeated the security benefits of CentOS (or any other distro). Not a good idea.

Unless you can pick out the compiled bits and reinstall the RPMs to restore things to their stock state, your best bet would be to redeploy a fresh CentOS image and start from there (or restore from a backup).

Also, per the CentOS forums and perhaps verifiable by phpinfo();, curl is already in there.


The problem with compiling from source is that you are then on the hook to handle any security updates that are required, without any leadtime the distribution vendors might have. This is particularly critical for things that are accessed remotely, like (for example) Apache or PHP.

In other words, you've just defeated the security benefits of CentOS (or any other distro). Not a good idea.

I tend to agree in principle but, to some extent, not agree in practice. Yes it is best to stick to software releases provided by your distribution. But sometimes that doesn't work out.

If you know what you're doing, and recognize (and accept) the responsibility for updating manually, there's nothing really "wrong" with installing from source. I build Apache from source, primarily because the CentOS way of doing suexec doesn't work for me. I monitor for new Apache releases and when one appears I build in a sandbox, test, watch for discussion, and eventually deploy. Yes it's a bit more work for me, but I don't think "I've defeated the security benefits" of my CentOS system.

I agree with sleddog. Just because you're using CentOS doesn't mean you have to stick with the given packages. Even if you compile one of your own, there are hundreds of other packages you still track.

I'm pretty certain the CentOS php comes with curl, but then I always pull in the remi repo to get the latest php (+mysql,apache), so I can't confirm with personal evidence. Unless the original poster is targeting php5.2 for some reason, I'd suggest following suit - the remi repo is pretty high quality.



The problem with compiling from source is that you are then on the hook to handle any security updates that are required, without any leadtime the distribution vendors might have. This is particularly critical for things that are accessed remotely, like (for example) Apache or PHP.

In other words, you've just defeated the security benefits of CentOS (or any other distro). Not a good idea.

I tend to agree in principle but, to some extent, not agree in practice. Yes it is best to stick to software releases provided by your distribution. But sometimes that doesn't work out.

If you know what you're doing, and recognize (and accept) the responsibility for updating manually, there's nothing really "wrong" with installing from source. I build Apache from source, primarily because the CentOS way of doing suexec doesn't work for me. I monitor for new Apache releases and when one appears I build in a sandbox, test, watch for discussion, and eventually deploy. Yes it's a bit more work for me, but I don't think "I've defeated the security benefits" of my CentOS system.
I see this as the advantage of PPAs.


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