Domain Name

Hi all,

Getting close to signing up my first VPS and seem very happy to gow with with Linode from this forum.

As I'm new to the UK could anyone recommend your favourite domain registrar in the UK. Considering a .net or and may need more in the future. Just needs to be simple, inexpensive with good web service.

Thanks, Matt

6 Replies

Late reply, but anyway: are OK, I use them too. One thing that annoys me is that they do not support AAAA (IPv6) records and apparently are not planning it in the near future.

I have opened 2 support tickets in the past 2 years which got answered politely but firmly. Maybe I need some help from other customers… ;-)


Late reply, but anyway: are OK, I use them too. One thing that annoys me is that they do not support AAAA (IPv6) records and apparently are not planning it in the near future.
The Linode DNS Manager supports AAAA records. :>

I've used in the UK for five years with no problem. I currently have five 1and1 domains pointed to my linode - three, one and one .net

I've been using for a while. Decent company with lots of available extensions. DNS is included. They're French, but the website is in English and they also have offices in London. You can choose to be billed in Euros, Pounds, or U.S. Dollars.


The Linode DNS Manager supports AAAA records. :>

Thanks, I haven't thought of that! I think I will have a play with the linode DNS this week-end. :-)


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